Monday, September 10, 2007

I Don't Like Thursdays

In an MTT, after nearly two hours, I went all-in on the button after UTG minraised. I still had 10 x BB, I could have seen a cheap flop with my 88. My opponent thought for quite a while but eventually called with AJo (he had three times as many chips as I did). If I had just called, I could have gone all-in (or even just bet) on the flop and he would have had to lay it down. As it was, he hit a Jack on the river.

Today I registered with Sharkscope, enabling me to see a lot more information, and to do 150 searches per day. This means in particular that when I start an SNG, I can immediately look it up in Sharkscope and spend 10 searches to find out who the sharks are (if any).

Tonight I played in an SNG with 6 or 7 winning players, it was quite surprising (since generally 1/3 or less of all players are winning players). I went out in 9th places after a bit of bad luck. The next SNG went better, although I only made it to 3rd place there. My ROI in the new database is still nearly 100% :-)

Sharkscope is really a treasure trove of information. I could have registered a long time ago, but the first time I looked at it, $15 a month still seemed like a lot of money for this service. Now that I make $15 per day (well... almost), it does not seem like so much! Here are some fun graphs. The first one explains the title of this post.

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