Wednesday, December 19, 2007


A propos of nothing, here are some odds.

AQ vs 32: 65%
AQ vs 72: 67%
AQ vs J2: 68%

This means that when you put all your chips in the pot preflop against a single opponent who is all-in, you have AT LEAST a chance of 1 in 3 of this being your last hand in the tournament. Unless you happen to have him dominated, say when he has A2 or something, in which case your odds of going out of the tournament right now are "only" 25%. This would give me pause, no matter what my read on any player was, and most particularly early on in a tournament when my M is still very high.

Now let's see if the power of mathematics can help finish a debate, or a junior high fight if you want to call it that. Hm, writing it like this does make it seem unlikely.

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