Saturday, January 19, 2008

Two simultaneous wins

This has also been QUITE a long time ago: I played two SNGs at the same time and won them both! I really needed that, my bankroll at FTP had again dropped to $35. Now I have $70 again, that looks a lot better. I hope that I can maintain this level now... My profit graph at FTP is also looking like a rollercoaster at the moment :-( My ROI at the $5 games is quite OK though, it is 40% now, about the same as my ITM%.

This morning I had tried to play three SNGs at the same time, but this only resulted in a 7th, 6th and 4th place. I think I will stick to no more than two of these games at the same time...


The 80th Minute said...

Rob, you are right better stick to 2 at the same time. I have the same problem. playing 2 looks to way to way. Every one I play more will attack my ROI.

Maybe it would also do u some good in trying to set up a challenge like Acefilleddreams and I do. This way you have a goal and looking at a bigger period which SHOULD wipe out the variance.

Rob1606 said...

Yeah, I'm not really interested in playing challenges, I prefer to take it from day to day. I do have a goal though: I want to reach a bankroll of $100 so that I can start playing $10 games again (at least for a little while).