Sunday, March 16, 2008

One day profit: $900

Yesterday I had my best day ever, poker-wise. My profit was larger than that of my third and fourth best month, combined! This is now the third month in which I have made a net profit of over $700. And it did not even start off that well...
  • Two losses in $33 games: -$72 (rake 2x$3)
  • Two wins in $22 games: +$150
  • Second place in $69+6 MTT (45 players): +$701.25
  • Two third places in $33 games that I played during this MTT: +$46.80
  • TOTAL: $926.05
I will write a detailed report of the $75 game at some point. I got quite lucky several times, but mostly I was simply very aggressive and managed to get a lot of laydowns when it mattered. The game lasted a little over two hours and 236 hands.

(For the record, I have had 5 losing months, with a total loss during those months of $238.53. My most recent losing month was December. My profit in 2008 is already larger than it was in the entire year 2007... In the last two months (i.e., since January 15th), I have doubled my total winnings! Did you notice that I love numbers?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What can I say!? Well done!
So how many days until you retire from poker? (x * 900 should be quite a sum :) )
