Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Another annoying experience: I picked up AA as SB. In this game, several people had already lost big pots with AA and KK. And the signs did not look good when UTG raised to 300 (2 times BB) and got called. Worried that I would have to play a pot with too many opponents, I went all-in for 1900.

What happened next? The big blind went all-in. I already saw myself having to play a pot with three opponents (with accordingly decreased winning odds), but at least the first two players came to their senses and folded.

My opponent then flipped up the monster hand AJs. So he went all-in with this hand after a raise, a call, and an all-in reraise. And yes, of course he made his flush.

Oh well, at least I have the feeling that I am playing well, if not always getting rewarded for it. I also started playing the Steps games at Party Poker, see here. I'm starting all the way at the bottom with the $3 games, to see how far up I can get. So far I've managed to make third place once (giving me a new ticket for Step 1) and fifth place. Hopefully my next $3 will last longer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be surprised if your opponent afterwards, started bragging about how well he played the hand. As always I think you shouldn't be allowed to win on the river....it just doesn't seem fair... but well that's poker... a game of the odds in the long run!
