Sunday, March 16, 2008

Well, that didn't last long...

An hour and ten minutes, to be precise. But I played OK. Not great, but OK.

FTP $240 + $16

There are 1637 participants, top 162 gets paid. First place is $70391.

Tried to qualify for this tournament by playing a SNG, but finished 3rd. Still, that did pay $40 net.

Early on, flop a set with 44 and manage to eliminate an extremely short stack: this immediately earns me $40! So even if I get eliminated on the next hand, it has cost me "only" $176 to play.

I bet out 2/3 of the pot with my set because there were 2 diamonds on the flop. One opponent folded after some thought, and the turn was a diamond. I wonder if he was on a flush draw...

Anyway, stack now 3536, average is 3256 :-) I should enjoy having an above average stack while it lasts! There are 1508 players remaining after 22 minutes. Wow, it is really going slowly with eliminations!

Fold A5o as BB to an MP raise. Then lose a blinds confrontation: 3446.

185 players gone after half an hour. This is going to be a long night, if I survive that long!

Stack 3406 after paying the BB, average stack 3402!

Try to make a move in MP which backfires completely. 2866.

Got moved to a new table. Time to run sharkscope again.

Try a steal in cutoff with K6s, success. Then get AKo! Raise to 200 after a limper. He calls after long thought and also calls my c-bet, damnit. With second pair. Beats me! Down to 2416 now. That's how fast you can lose 1000 chips... he had A9.

AK as SB. Raise to 250 when my finger slips, BB folds. Oh well. (BB's stats are still 0/0/0/0 after 13 hands...)

A9 as BB. Get a free ride! Fine by me...

I am 986th out of 1251 remaining. Could be better. Now 971st out of 1238 :-)

It really is going to be quite some time to even reach the money spots...

BREAK 1: 2326 chips. Blinds will be 40/80, so my M is still 19. 1157 players remain, so nearly 500 players have been eliminated in the first hour: not even a third!

Let's hope another 500 leave in the second hour - at least!

JJ as BB, very nice. SB raises after long thought. With AT, it turns out. I reraise him, he pushes, I call, he flops TWO ACES. Not just one mind you, but two. As if to emphasize. Oh well.......


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You seem to be having quite a bit of luck on the online poker sites. Wish that I had the kind of luck that you with them.

My luck mainly stems from local tournaments and cash games at the local poker rooms. Great blog will add to my blog roll.