Sunday, August 5, 2007


My net profit as of just now :-)

I finally managed to break the $1300 "barrier". I reached $1200 already on June 18th, and $1289 on July 6th, but due to various excursions (Titan...) I never broke $1300 until now. And the way I did it was also quite nice, because I cashed once again in a $20 SNG - another 2nd place. That makes two cashes in three attempts, and an ROI of 61% ;-) Actually I made a small mistake here, I messed up the calculations due to the game where I was disconnected. For three games, I paid $66 and earned $120, so a net profit of $54, or 81%.

I almost managed to cash in a simultaneous $10 SNG as well. I had started to play that game because it seems that you always have to wait some time before a $20 game fills up. In this case, it took one level of the $10 SNG until the $20 game started.

In the $10 game, after thirteen hands on the bubble I hit top pair Aces at the same time as my opponent hit two pair - 89...

In the $20 game, I had dropped to 1000 after only 11 games. I kept getting reasonably good hands that however refused to work out. Then I got AK, and though I missed the flop, my sole remaining opponent in that hand fortunately folded to my c-bet. Two hands later I got AK again, and this hand went even better as my opponent refused to fold to my c-bet... with KJ! We checked it down and to my lasting surprise, the money came my way.

That brought me back to 1600. Ten hands later or so I got AQ, raised and got two callers. The flop was AA2... It was checked round to me, I bet, and one opponent went all-in. I obviously had to call, though I was quite worried about him having AK, but instead he had... K4. 3000!

The game remained exciting, some hands later I had to c-bet with AT on a missed flop, bringing me down to 1600. Fortunately my opponent folded to that bet, so I ended that hand with 3000 again.

I managed to remain about constant until I tried to steal as SB with 84 and got called by the shortstacked BB. The flop was 873 and I decided to go all-in, he actually called me but had only J9 or something. 5000!

Shortly afterwards I got my best hand of this game, KK, but actually had to lay it down after three clubs appeared on the flop and another one on the turn. Oh, and there was also an ace. Fortunately I lost only 1100 on that hand.

On the first hand with three players, I got QJ and raised preflop. BB called, flop QT8. He bet. Now I had noticed early on that he was very aggressive, so I decided to go all-in with my top pair. He folded after some thought. This however brought him down to only 1600 (level 200/400) and he did not recover from that.

The heads-up phase was again tough, I did not get any good hands and was quickly eliminated.

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