Friday, August 10, 2007

Guess what place I finished in...

That's right, ANOTHER second place! I still have 0 wins and 0 third place finishes, it is quite amazing. It seems that no matter how many chips I have when the heads-up phase started, I always find a way to lose. Just now I lost with K7 against Q2 when a queen came on the river...

I have now played 12 of these games, so I finish in the money exactly 50% of the time so far. My ROI is 36% (today).

Anyway this last game was actually a lot of fun to play, there was quite some chatting going on. This does not happen that often at Pacific because you have to open the chat window separately (and then resize it and move it out of the way....), and not everybody bothers to do that. One guy called me an "all-in monkey" :-) I had only gone all-in three times or so at that point! I think it was time for it too, the blinds were already getting relatively high. Anyway it was quite funny to be called that, I certainly did not mind and hoped that my all-ins would upset my opponents.

I just had a look at my profit graphs, it has certainly been going up and down over the last few days. Indeed, for the last five days, I have had a pattern of winning $40 and losing it the next day! Today was a win day so perhaps I should not play tomorrow :-)

Posting will be light or possibly non-existent next week, I am going on a business trip. Just so you know...

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