Sunday, August 26, 2007


Turns out I have just enough time for another post... and another game. I finally won a game again! This time I needed quite a bit of luck at the start, some of my bets did not work out and I dropped to 555. I went all-in on Q7 in late position (the level was 25/50 I think) and the BB called with A4s... There was a 7 on the flop and he did not recover.

After this I slowly worked my way up, helped at one stage by the neighbor to my immediate left, who thought that top pair was gold. It was no match for my top pair top kicker!

Then I won a huge pot when I went all-in with AK to isolate on an early raiser (and possibly get him to fold). A short stack behind me called and the original raiser called as well. They turned up AT and AQ!! There was a K on the turn so that the Q on the river did not hurt me. Shortly afterwards, I started the heads-up phase with a 2:1 advantage and amazingly, I actually managed to hold on and win it, thanks to an unlikely rivered straight on the final hand.

For the $20 games, my return on investment and in the money percentage are now both 50% :-) This is after 28 games. It is quite incredible, really. I sort of expected the level of the players to increase at some buyin, but it does not seem to be happening, at least not yet...

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