Friday, August 31, 2007

Results of August

Two games ago, I had a net profit of $1599. It was of course very tempting to try and play just one or two more games and finish the month above $1600. This had the predictable effect that I am now down to $1555. Oh well! It is nice to lose some games, check your bankroll and find that it is still well above $500 :-)

This also means that this picture is no longer accurate, since my ROI has gone down now, of course. But I wanted to preserve it for posterity ;-)

My profit for the month August is a respectable $297. In fact, this is my second highest monthly profit ever (behind the month in which I finished 3rd in a Steps tournament, of course), and more than $100 more than the third highest profit.

Today I found out that such results place me in the top 5% of all SNG players, at least if I manage to keep it up for the remainder of the year. But all I have to do is to not have less money four months from now than I have today: you can see here that the average yearly earnings among the top 5% of all SNG players is $1150, and I have already earned substantially more than that in 2007.

Nevertheless, Sharkscope does not put a little shark next to my name yet. Perhaps that is too much to ask after such a short time of playing succesfully :-) but I cannot help but wonder what exactly the requirements are to get that icon. I did already get the form "Hot" once which was nice to see (I got it after cashing in four consecutive SNGs). I suppose I will have to sustain this form for a longer time before being considered as a possible shark. Certainly, my current ROI would appear to be unsustainable over a longer stretch, as you can see from this graph.

Another interesting statistic from SNG Planet is that the top 5% take in a whopping 85% of the profit, whereas over 70% of all SNG players are losers. If I look at just the $22 games that I played in, I won $920 in them (ignoring the fact that I had to pay a $22 buyin to get in). There was 30 x 10 x $20 = $6000 available to be won in those games, so I took 15% of that. Nice! (Of course, the maximum possible winnings in a set of SNGs are not 100% but 50%, since the best you can do is always finish first.)

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