Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Yet another second place

This is getting ridiculous! After my previous posting (see below) and a little break, I decided to play one more game. And yet again I finished in second place! This time the heads-up phase only lasted a single game, my opponent went all-in with A8 right away and I decided to call with KT. He did not pair anything but instead made a 9-high straight...

Of course, like I wrote below, nothing to complain about, but it is really strange. I have now played 9 games with the following results:
  • First place: 0 times
  • Second place: 5 times
  • Third place: 0 times
It sure would be nice to win one of these games, but it is very nice that I have already earned $300 playing these games (net profit $102, ROI now 51% - one game can make a lot of difference at this stage!).

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