Thursday, January 31, 2008

A good night....

Read'em and weep! (I only started taking notes in the 2nd hour; in the first hour I was playing the heads-up tournament in parallel (see my previous post below!)). [To keep a perspective, always important after a win, my overall net profit is still below the maximum value that I ever reached, back in November. But it is getting close...]

$10 FTP Turbo, 2nd hour

KK, three all-ins before me. I call, they have AQ, QQ, 66. There is no A, Q, or 6 on the table, and I scoop a huge pot: 21k. This put me into 2nd place in the tournament.

Some steals fail: 16k. Blinds are 300/600 with antes, so my M is now 10, 4th place.

23 players left, top 18 get paid.

KQo UTG, I raise to 3BB, all fold: 17k. 22 left.

77 as SB... call button raise, lose to AA!
Down to 12k, he was short.

KK beats A9: 21 left.

22 in CO. Raise to 4BB, all fold. AQ in next hand. Raise to 4BB again, all fold.
15k, round costs 1900, M=7.5. I am in 5th place with 21 left. Fold A9s UTG. Would have won.

BB A8, folded to me. 16k. Fold SB 4-2. 20 players left, 2 more to go.

Raise A5o in CO, all fold. 17.5k. Shorty wins showdown, too bad.

Together with BB I push out the shortstack, 19 left!! Hand for hand play now. 18.5k, still in 5th place. Avg. stack is 13k.

Raise A9o in 2nd pos.(from 6), all fold. 20.5k.

QQ as BB... FOLDED to me! Blast. Blinds now 600/1200 + 150 ante, round costs 3150, M=6. I am IN THE MONEY!!

TT in CO. Push over short push, he has 77. I win. 28k. I AM CHIP LEADER!!!!!!!!

Not for long, some guy wins a big pot. Still, nice while it lasted :-) And another one, down to 3rd position now! Still, am in excellent position to make the final table here.

KQo UTG. Raise to 3BB. BB calls with... T4? Well, he had a tiny stack. AJ as BB...
I fold when I miss the flop, my opponent has the same stack as I do, this is no time for heroics. Fold my SB as well.

Still 29.5k. Raise KTo OTB, blinds fold. Call A9s in CO, button calls! Didn't count on that. 31k. I am at a 5-player table now! Wow, that went really fast, only one more player needs to go before I have reached the final table.

Blinds are now 1000/2000 with antes 250 (did I mention that this is a turbo tournament?), round costs 4250, M=5.

YES- final table is here!!

Payout of $35 assured. Nice prizes start at top 6 ($90). First player leaves, already payout $50!

AQo UTG, raise to 6k. BB calls with A9, pushes on flop A, and spikes a 9 on the river. That's it for me... (At this point I expected to go out in a few more hands.)

I am now down to 5k and have by far the shortest stack. The only question is how long I can still survive. I will-

I was just going to write I had to settle for an eighth place, when there was a showdown between two big stacks! (Well, they are all big compared to me...) SO now I will get at least $62, still nice...

Fold A7o in 2nd pos. BB pushes.

Down to 3.8k, UTG, BB costs 2.4k. Fold. And I get 66 as BB... SB obliges, raises with K4, and I actually win the race. Now I have 7.5k again, and can survive another round.

OMG, another showdown!! 99 vs AT. AT wins, too bad 99 still has 70k chips...

Oh great, blinds went up, now 1.5k/3k. Not that it makes that much difference to me...

Really too bad 99 didn't win that, would have earned me $30! ANOTHER showdown now!! YES!!! Largest stack wins! Now I get $90!

Q3 as BB. Button raises, I have to call and actually make a straight on the river... Now I have 14k, but completing SB and losing brings me down to 10k. Push K9o. All fold: 17k!

55 UTG, I push. All fold. 20k after paying the BB (3K). Yet another showdown... Blasted, short stack wins again. 33 as SB.
I fold after a big raise and call. Again the short stack wins. Push K5o as button, all fold. 26k. I am actually in 4th position now out of 6! ANOTHER short stack wins a showdown.

QT as BB... Fold to MP raise. Fold SB as well. 18k. ANOTHER showdown. A8 vs 33. A8 wins, I am actually assured of $123 now...

And I am not the shortest stack! Now I am, the short stack just lost. I am now 4th, but my payout is now $165, this is quite incredible. Will I outlast another player???

Now have 11.6k, round gets folded to me, 16.5k. Push 78s. BB calls with 64... and wins (flops a 4). What a game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a game. It must've been a very tense game :)

A few more of this games and your bankroll should be very healthy !


btw: the text-coloring of your post reads a lot nicer.