Saturday, June 30, 2007


Just a short post to announce I'm back :-) Just won my first SNG! Lost the second one however, I never really got going. It was a strange game, one player was sitting on nearly 8000 chips with 5 players left. Then I lost with A5 vs K7 or something, and that was basically it. I will have a look to see where I could have done better earlier in the game. I certainly got a lot of lousy cards this time!

Still on level 1 I got AQ, but there was a raise to 200 and a call in front of me. I folded and the flop came Jxx, so I was happy not to be involved in this hand.
One player bluffed a lot, I did not really pick up on this on time. For instance, on level 2 there was one hand where he minraised utg and I had A9. Looking back on it, this is a clear all-in for me. It was the FIFTH successive preflop raise by this guy! But I only see this now during the replay - because I was getting such lousy cards, I was barely paying attention. This would turn out to be a costly mistake.
Five games later he raised while I was bb, but I only held 84 so I folded. The next time he raised I held Q8, again I folded.
Once as SB I actually went all-in on 53o, my stack was down to 790. The BB with 740 behind folded, fortunately. (Although, who knows, I might have won the race, am only 5:3 behind against two overcards!)
All in all, practically every hand I played fell into one of two categories: somebody raised before me (or just called when I might have considered a steal attempt), or I got cards like 74o.
Still, I should have made a move, for instance when I had K7 as BB and there were only two callers before me. Instead, I waited until the next hand where I got an Ace (A5), got called by K6 and lost to a 6 on the river. What can you do!
On the final hand (I had a few chips left) I lost to a turned straight when the BB called my pathetic all-in for 340 with 93 (blinds 100/200).

Friday, June 22, 2007


In reverse chronological order:
  1. Had 6000 with 5 players left (but all-in coinflip on hand 6)
  2. Out on the bubble (4th)
  3. No big bets with 5 or 4 players left
  4. 5th
  5. No big bets
  6. 9th
  7. Won coinflip
  8. No big bets except AJ vs AT with 5 players left (70% winning odds)
  9. LOST coinflip on bubble
  10. Won coinflip
  11. 5th
  12. Coinflip with 6 players left
  13. 5th
  14. 6th
  15. 5th
  16. Coinflip
  17. 4th
  18. Coinflip with 5 players left
  19. 5th
  20. LOST coinflip
  21. Worse than a coinflip with 7 left
  22. Only 3 players left after 32 hands
  23. Coinflip
  24. 4th
  25. Early coinflip
  26. 7th
  27. 5th
  28. 4th (lost coinflip)
So there were 12 relevant coinflips and I won 8 of them! It seems I really cannot complain about the luck I have been having so far. This settles it, I will stay at the $10 level for the moment.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Time to move up?

Have a look at this table (click to enlarge). It gives my results in SNGs at Pacific. Does it seem to you that I should be moving up to the $20 SNGs?
I know that statistically, these results do not mean much. Still, if you add them all up I have now played over 80 games for $10 or less with very positive results.

One thing I find very interesting is that at this moment, I do not really see a difference between the skill levels of the players at the $10 and the $5 levels. This is remarkable, because when I just started to play for $10, I had the feeling that it was more difficult. Indeed, as I have written about, I lost my first four games for $10. But now, when I sit down to play I basically expect to win unless something goes wrong. Even in the heads-up phase, I often have the feeling that my opponents have no idea what they are doing, certainly many of them have never heard of SAGE.

But surely at some point the players must start getting better! I am just wondering where this point is. Another possibility is of course that I have been slowly improving over the past two months. Still, it is clear that there are a lot of idiots at the tables. So, time to move up?

PS I had a look at my opponents at the one $22 SNG that I played, where I lost connection. Nothing impressive, at least not for the ones I checked so far: the best player had a profit of $316 over 480 games, the worst a loss of $1200 over 1200 games...

PPS Correction: I was playing with two sharks! For one opponent, I accidentally looked him up at PokerStars instead of Pacific. At Pacific, he is a shark with total profit $7000 and a ROI of 29%. (At PokerStars, he plays for a lower average stake and also has a lower ROI - quite an interesting result for you PokerStars players out there...) One other opponent, that I looked up only now, has total profit of $2000 and a ROI of a whopping 48%! (he played less games than the other player)
Seems I might have gotten lucky with my early disconnect...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Games that play themselves

I can't believe the amount of great cards I got last night. And I got paid off too!

JJ on hand 6 as SB. MP raises to 3BB, gets two callers. I think the odds are sufficiently small that anyone has got a big pair, and I decide to go all-in. I guess I just did not want to face a flop. Sure this could have been the end of my tournament, but a win would put me in a very favorable position and the odds were on my side, at least as long as there was no higher pair out there. Anyway, AQ (original raiser) decided to call and doubled me up: 2450.

Very next hand AJ. I call a minraise and the flop is JTx, four players remain. Second one minbets, I raise to 100, only BB (Akagirl) calls. Turn is 8, I bet 200 and he raises to 400, I fold: 2110.

A few hands later I get QQ UTG and raise to 100 (level 15/30). One caller, flop is AQx... I check, he bets 200, I raise to 400 (there are two clubs on the board and of course my opponent might have a straight draw). The turn is another Ace, ending all my worries about outs against me, and I check again. This time he checks behind me. The river is a club Jack, possibly completing his straight or flush, and I bet 300, which he calls: 2955.

The very next hand I get JJ again! Akagirl raises in EP, two players call. Flop is 954 with two clubs, I bet 150 (pot 375). Akagirl calls, but folds on bet of 600 on turn 3. (She only had 580 left by this stage.) Stack 3360.

(A few hands later I fold QT preflop and the flop is AKJ...)

Shortly after this, I get TT, my fourth pocket pair in 25 hands. The level is 25/50. I raise to 150 and get 3 callers. I am none too happy about this until the flop amazingly comes 2-2-2, giving me the full house. I have to be ahead now and I raise a bet of 150 to 300, leaving only me and the original better in the game. The turn is a J and I decide it is better to end the hand now before more dangerous cards appear, so I now raise his second bet of 150 to 600, putting him all-in. Although he is obviously completely pot committed at this point, he folds! Stack 4055.

On hand 32 I get 77 in middle position (6 players left). My raise to 3BB causes everyone to fold.

Two hands later, KQ UTG, again I raise to 3BB. One caller (SB), flop is KK8... He checks, I bet 200 into a pot of 700 which he calls. He checks the turn 3, now I bet 400 which he calls. The river is another 3, giving me the second full house in 34 hands! He checks yet again, I bet 500 and he flat calls for the fourth time in this hand. This puts me up to 5605... What I think happened is that my opponent simply refused to believe I had a king on the flop. Perhaps he had AA or QQ, who knows. Note that I only showed down two of my pocket pairs so far, in the other three hands my opponents folded. So my opponent might also have been thinking that I was just bluffing. But AA seems more likely.

So now I have basically half of all the chips at the table (there are 12000 chips in total). From here I basically stay constant (win some pots, lose some pots) until we are heads up with both about 6000 chips. Now actually came the most difficult part of the game for me, as my opponent slowly whittled me down to only 2500 chips! I then switch to SAGE (the level was 200/400) and go all-in with K3 as SB, he folds. Then just call with K2 (stack too high for SAGE again) and bet on a missed flop of T55, he folds. All-in with AJ and A8 (level now 250/500), then flat call with 87, flop AA8. I bet and he folds again: back to 5000.

All-in with A9, then with K8 after he minraised (not liking it, but playing SAGE again), he folds! 6000. After losing a few hands, I get JTs as BB (level 300/600, stack 4500) and go all-in after his minraise to 1200, he finally calls with A9 and the flop is J92 and I win. The game only lasts one hand more as I get 22 on the very next hand, put him all-in for his remaining 3000 and he calls.

That was my sixth pocket pair in 91 hands (5 of them came within 25 hands).

Sunday, June 17, 2007

What a difference a week makes

Fortunately today things went a lot better than last week during the weekend. I placed 1st, 5th and 2nd for a net profit of $50. (Well, $47 to be precise...) I had a bit of luck but overall I think I played reasonable. I made some dubious moves but no great mistakes, I think.

1. Still on level 1, called with A4 OTB. Two opps check flop -> I bet 40. One remains -> I bet 100 on turn, he folds. Board 592T.
Next hand called with KJ, flop AQJ. All check, so I bet 40, but fold to a reraise.
QA UTG, raise to 80 (still level 1), two callers. Flop Axx, bet 150 into pot 250, both fold.
Fold ATs in early position, flop AQJ, checked around, opps fold to pot bet.
63 OTB, raise to 150 = 3BB (stack 1000) after all fold, both blinds fold.
J3s BB, flop two clubs (my suit). Bet of 100 into pot 250 gets called, I check-fold turn. Down to 850.
54 OTB, all-in after all fold, both blinds fold. (Level was 50/100 now, time for desperate measures!)
JJ in MP, raise to 300 = 3BB after one caller, he folds. 1200.
JJ as BB gets folded around to me!
AK OTB, call early minraise of 300 (level 75/150), as does BB. Fold to c-bet on flop xxx. 900.
AK again on very next hand! Player to my right minraises to 300 and I go all-in, reasoning that I am most likely only slightly behind (if he has any pair below kings). However, he calls and has AQ! That boosts me up to 2165.
Some players now get eliminated in quick succession, one by me when he goes all-in on a short stack as SB and I have AA... 2400.
Four all-ins later (not consecutively ;-) ) I am up to 3800 with only two opponents left. Level is by now 150/300.
Allin with QJ gets called by a shortstack with AK, but I catch a J on the flop. 5600!
Heads up, my opponent folds to every flop bet that I make. The one time that he actually calls me, I catch two pair on the turn... He also folds several hands preflop (an elementary mistake). Finally, with a severely shortened stack, he goes all-in on K9 and I have to call with KJ and even get a jack on the flop, which is good because the turn brings a 9. I think this is the weakest that I have ever seen an opponent play heads-up against me. When the heads up phase started, he was actually slightly ahead of me in chips! Still, he was not as bad as the player who finished third, who according to Sharkscope has lost $1300 on Pacific...

2. Held on too long to middle pair. My opponent hit top pair on the turn and a flush on the river. 950.
JQs SB, all-in for 850 (level 25/50) after all fold. BB calls with 66, J on flop. A bit early to be going all-in, I think! 1700.
75 OTB, raise to 3BB = 150 after all fold, BB calls but folds to c-bet of 100 on flop T96. 1860.
44 UTG+1 (five players left), all-in for 1900, all fold. 2050.
KJ as BB, call minraise of 200, flop J55, bet 200, opp goes all-in on 77... and catches a 7 on the river. 750!
Next hand, all-in on Q9 as SB after all fold, BB calls with A6 (...), 9 on flop. Back to 1500.
A7 as BB, same opp who just caught the 7 again minraises to 300, I call. Flop AJ4, I go all-in for 1200 more (pot 675), he folds. 1900.
A4 OTB, level 75/150, but will increase to 100/200 on next hand. I go all-in after all fold, SB calls with AJ and wins. I think my move was reasonable. Out in 5th place.

3. 9Ks, refuse to call minraise: need to call 20 into pot 140... Flop Kxx and eventually I would have had a flush.
JJ as SB, raise to 100 after four callers, all fold!
Call with A5 OTB-1, flop Axx, bet half the pot, all fold. 1340.
KQo in EP, raise to 150 = 3BB, both loose players call as well as the BB. Minbet on the flop gets called by BB only, after which I lose interest. Eventually he turns out to have (only) AT. 1000.
55 as BB, four callers. I see this as my chance to earn 200 back and go all-in. Player with A5 calls, thank you very much... 1940.
45o as SB, for once I refuse to call after there are two callers in front of me (1800, level 50/100), flop 855... (I refused 7:1 odds.)
The player to my immediate right gave me quite a few chips during the tournament: did not stand up to steals and also folded to numerous of my flop bets. Still, eventually he would take them all, but I am getting ahead of myself.
Q7s OTB, minraise to 300, BB calls. Flop AQx, I minbet, he calls. This is worrisome, and the ten and jack that next appear on the board even more. We check the pot down and he has only 66. Stack 3100!
I stay roughly stable until I manage to win two pots in a row: 3850. Immediately after this, player 4 is eliminated.
J3 as SB, I call after all fold and bet on missed flop. By now my opponent must have started to suspect something because he calls with 32!! I check after this and he gets a 2 on the river, down to 2650.
T9 as BB, SB minraises to 800 (level 200/400!), I basically have to call, I feel. Since this commits me I go all-in, he calls with A8 and I get a 10 on the flop. 5300. Two hands later I eliminate this opp when I go all-in with KQ and he calls, K on flop. 7000 heads-up!
He soon goes all-in on 67 (??) and I happen to have 99 so I call, but he ends up with two pair. Down to 3000.
A few hands later I beat him with AQ vs KQ, and have then 8620 and later briefly 8870. But when I go all-in with K9 (level 250/500 by now, his stack 3000) he has A8 and wins. Finally, his K7 beats my JA when he gets a straight on the river! He certainly had his share of luck in this heads-up phase....

Also tried a $20 SNG for the very first time and earned some nice chips with four fives (beating a full house). However, I then got kicked off! Fortunately I got my buyin back from Pacific. However, since there were only 6 players left at this stage, I feel that I should have gotten $33 back. Does anyone have experience at other poker sites? What is the usual policy in cases like these? I know that I once got money back based on the amount of opponents remaining when I lost connection, I think this was at Titan (quite a while ago).

Thursday, June 14, 2007

"Somebody eliminate that f... clown"

This was the compliment given to me by one of my opponents last night, just after I eliminated him with QJ vs JJ (turned a Q). Probably one of the better compliments I have received so far :-)

I was playing at PKR. This site is graphically very intensive, and it looks like this attracts people for whom the way a pokersite looks is more important than playing good poker. I think they come there to have fun. Well, I had fun last night!

Unfortunately, PKR doesn't do hand histories (at least none that I have been able to find), but it went something like this. After about half an hour, with still basically the starting stack 1500 in front of me and the blinds already up to 75/150. Then I shared an all-in pot with somebody which also did not help. But then there was a hand that somehow tripled me up! I think I held some pair, maybe jacks, and two opponents were interested in going all-in against me. One held a lower pair and one held an Ace, and I won the race.

By this time the blinds were 100/200, but this stack enabled me to try some steals, which I did with abandon. Sometimes I got called, but mostly they just let me take their chips. Other times, I managed to win the race that followed (I won a lot of races last night).

One hand was very nice. I had Q2 and decided to just call in middle position, intending to steal the pot after the flop. Only the big blind called, I think, and the flop was K22. He bet out 400 (the minimum bet at the time). I looked at my cards. I should probably explain why I emphasize this. The point is that at PKR, you do not see your hole cards continuously. You actually have to click a button to have them revealed to you again. The effect of this is that your avatar actually peeks under his cards, so the whole table knows that you just looked at your cards. For this reason, throughout the game I was writing down the hands that I got and that I might want to play, so that I would never have to look at my cards, since I think this is a sign of weakness.

So on this occasion, I actually had a look at my cards to make it look like I was debating whether to call. Then I just called. On the blank turn, he bet 800, which I also just called. Then on the river, he bet out 1600. Now I raised to 3200, putting him all-in, and he called :-) I don't think he had put me on a 2!

One hand was very scary. It was the second time that I got AA that evening. The first time, I was UTG and minraised to 1200 or 2400 or something, causing everyone to fold. The second time, I just called for 6000 (it was much later in the game) and was very happy to see the SB raise to 12000. I reraised to 30000 and he called after some thought. But then! The flop came out KKx... This was definitely not the flop that I wanted to see. However, he checked, so I went all-in for my remaining 50000 (I had him covered by 10000). He folded. Now, I could have bet less here, but I guess I did not want to face a checkraise from him here. I sure was glad to see him lay down that hand, which put me up to nr.1 in chips.

This was already after the QJ vs JJ incident. That happened after I had called with QJ on one hand, lost quite a bit of money, and went all-in on the next hand with again QJ. My stack was 13000 and the blinds were something like 2000/4000 I think, maybe 1500/3000 but definitely not less than that. So I got called by JJ, flop AKx, turn Q...

Surviving the final table was relatively easy until we were down to three players. It seemed that these three actually knew what they were doing, and after some back and forth I went all-in with A7 and got called by AK. I actually flopped a 7 but the turn was a K, and that was the end of my tournament. Still, I had a lot of fun! Also the win of $131 was not to sneeze at, being my second biggest win ever.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The dangers of two pair

KQo. I just call after one caller before me. Many callers, flop KQJ. I say to myself: "I might already be beaten by AT." But I have to find out where I stand so I bet 2/3 of the pot. Two callers, then the small blind goes all-in. It is hard for me to put into words what I was thinking here, but I called inside of two seconds. Sometimes I just cannot accept that I am beaten no matter how loud somebody screams it at me. Then, adding insult to injury, the player to my left calls as well!

And what did they have? The first player had T9 (SB) and the other one JJ... So I was actually beaten by two players when the flop came out. Raising preflop? Never heard of it.

I am managing to remain stable, more or less. Since my big score at the Steps two weeks ago I lost about $20 in total (of course there were some big swings in between). I hope I can at some point find my way back to playing reasonable, solid poker.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Flush draws

I just can't leave them alone...

PokerOffice seems to have lost the hand, but it went like this. Js9d, try to steal with a 900 bet. Stack 3300, level 150/300. One caller. Flop three diamonds, I twice call a minimum bet from my opponent until I fold to a 600 bet on the river. 1800 left...

This hand effectively crippled me. Shortly afterwards, a guy appeared at my table who went all-in on every hand, sometimes after just calling in response to a raise. I needed to double up, so I went all-in with KJs. He calls with Q7 and of course gets a Q on the flop.

Saturday, June 9, 2007


After less than stellar results today, I went back to check an old suspicion of mine in PokerOffice. It turns out I was right: my results on weekends are far worse than during the week. (Of course, the big exception was my $100 win in April!) Does anyone else have this experience? It seems like the opponents are noticeably stronger on Saturday and Sunday. It must be (partly) a different group of people that plays on weekends, possibly more people that take it more seriously?

I guess in the future I will move down a level on the weekends...

PS (Monday): After having had a short look at one of these tournaments, I am now wondering if perhaps the opposite is true, that the level is actually lower on weekends. As I wrote in the post below, playing against idiots is hard, and I certainly had a hard time this weekend... So maybe, next weekend I should actually move UP and try a $20 SNG. Thoughts?

PPS And Sharkscope seems to confirm my suspicions. I just tested five opponents of one SNG (all that I am allowed to do). While one was reasonable, two of them had a little fish swimming next to them (probably not a sign that they are very good ;-) ) and one other had as Form "Tilt" and had lost $600 in 310 games.

Playing Against Idiots Is Hard

$5.50 MTT at Pacific, starting blinds (only) 800.

Blinds: t10/t20

10 players

Stack sizes:
UTG: t1200
UTG+1: t1200
UTG+2: t1230
MP1: t1200
MP2: t1600
MP3: t1200

CO: t1120
Button: t1170
Hero: t1180
BB: t900

Pre-flop: (10 players) Hero is SB with 9♦ 9♣

UTG raises to t100,
UTG+1 folds,
UTG+2 calls t100 (pot was t130),
4 fold,
Button calls t100 (pot was t230),
Hero calls t90 (pot was t330),
BB calls t80 (pot was t420).

Flop: 3♣ 9♥ T♠
(t500, 5 players)

Hero checks (surely somebody will bet), BB checks, UTG checks, UTG+2 checks, Button checks.

Turn: K♠ (t500, 5 players)
Hero bets t200,
BB raises to t759,
2 fold,
Button raises all-in t1070,
Hero calls all-in t880,
BB calls all-in t41.

Uncalled bets: t280 returned to Hero.

River: 5♠ (t2900, 0 player + 3 all-in - Main pot: t2900, Sidepot 1: t540)

Final pot: t2900
Button shows Kc Jc
Hero shows 9d 9c
BB shows 2s 3s
pokerj84 collected [$2900].
Rob1606 collected [$540].
Rob1606 collected [$10].
sudha20 leaves.


$8.80 at Pacific, 10 minute blinds

Blinds: t50/t100
9 players

Stack sizes:
Hero: t830
UTG+1: t1352
MP1: t1350
MP2: t700
MP3: t1210
CO: t329
Button: t545
SB: t540
BB: t284

Pre-flop: (9 players) Hero is UTG with 7♦ 7♥

Hero raises all-in t830,
2 fold,
MP2 calls all-in t700,
5 fold.
Uncalled bets: t130 returned to Hero.

Flop: 6♥ 6♣ 6♦ (t300, 0 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: t1550)

Turn: 4♠ (t300, 0 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: t1550)

River: K♠ (t300, 0 player + 2 all-in - Main pot: t1550)

Final pot: t300
Hero shows 7d 7h
autohof shows [ Ks 10d ].
autohof collected [$1550].
Rob1606 collected [$130].

I actually had this situation TWICE now this morning: again 77, this time in middle position, all-in with stack 1140, blinds 100/200, called by KT. This time the flop was KTx.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Blinds: t150/t300
6 players

Stack sizes:
UTG: t1830
UTG+1: t2650
CO: t2075
Button: t1710
Hero: t1435
BB: t2300

Pre-flop: (6 players) Hero is SB with 4♦ 4♣
2 folds, CO calls t300 (pot was t450), Button folds, Hero raises all-in t1285, BB folds, CO calls t1135 (pot was t1885).

CO shows 7 K (interesting call there)
Hero shows 4♦ 4♣

Flop: 6♠ J♦ T♠(t3170, 1 player + 1 all-in - Main pot: t3170)

Turn: 4♠ (he's made his flush, I'm out unless I get a four on the river, I was thinking...)

River: 4♥ (!!!)

Final pot: t3170

Of course I was not correct, any 6, J or T would have given me a full house and also won for me, so I actually had quite a few outs at that point. Still... Anyway this was my first quads in quite some time, and it couldn't have come at a better time.

Unfortunately, in the next SNG, I was not quite as lucky when my all-in with AQs got called by ... 44. My opponent had a nice stack, about twice mine, and had absolutely no reason to call. He should have known that in the very best case, which he actually got, he was racing two higher cards. Of course, he was probably not thinking about this, but only going "I've got a pair! Hurray!"

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

23 times all-in in 89 hands

I just played a $10 SNG with some people who clearly did not understand SNG endgame strategy. They kept making regular calls and minraises that represented a third or more of their stacks. Plus they did not dare to call my all-in bets! A delicious combination, but it did take a long time before the bubble burst. I could hardly go all-in on every hand, after all...

This hand occurred near the start of the game and marked the first time that I went all-in. After all, I had 95o!

Blinds: t25/t50
7 players

Stack sizes:
UTG: t1257
UTG+1: t1170
MP1: t1410
Hero: t1040
Button: t1350
SB: t3360
BB: t2413

Pre-flop: (7 players) Hero is CO with 9♥ 5♠
3 fold,
Hero raises to t150 (standard steal attempt in CO),
2 fold,
BB calls t100 (pot was t225).

Flop: K♠ 4♦ 5♦ (t325, 2 players)
BB checks (instantly),
Hero bets t100 (continuation bet, a bit on the low side though),
BB calls t100 (pot was t425).

Turn: some low card (t525, 2 players)
BB checks (after a bit of thought),
Hero is all-in t790 (simply don't think he has anything),
BB folds.
Uncalled bets: t790 returned to Hero.

Final pot: t525
Hero collected [$1315].

I realized only after he folded that he was most likely on a flush draw (or just thought I was bluffing perhaps - perish the thought!).

Two successive rounds, the game was folded to me in the BB. The third time, the SB raised and I called, but had to fold after an Ace on the flop. With the blinds up to 75/150, my stack was down to 1115 and all-in was the only move I had left. At least, this is how it seemed to me, the other players did not seem to catch on to this :-)

I started with KT as BB after just one caller, he folded. Shortly afterwards I went all-in on two successive hands to isolate on the same microstack (7 chips!), first I lost to him with A8, then I beat him with KQ. AQ on the very next hand, again all-in, again no callers. A few hands later I actually get called when I go all-in with AK and lose to 44, fortunately he only had 800 chips left. Still, this put me down to 1060.

All-in on A2 on next hand, no callers (blinds are now 100/200, 5 players left). Then 99 (SB) and J8 (OTB, both after all previous players folded). Then QJ UTG, T9 SB, AQ UTG, KT as SB after there was actually one caller, who called and lost to my rivered flush. A4 OTB, Q5 SB gets called by 66 BB, I lose and have 1622 left (I was by far the biggest stack until this point).

Now I clearly have to "loosen up" my all-in range, if such a thing is still possible :-) and I go all-in on the next hand with 93o (OTB). No callers! And immediately again with A8, same result. 2822 now, since the level is already 200/400 at this point. I fold to a rare all-in by another player and then push with AJ as SB, BB does not call (too bad). Next time as BB the SB goes all-in and I decide to call with A4: pot was 1470, I had to call an additional 670. Reasonable odds, but he has TT and wins. 1752! Next hand, push Q4, two hands later QJ, next game folded to me in the BB (fourth time this game)...

Now we finally start to see some more all-in moves, but no one ever calls, including my AT. Then, finally, the two shortest stacks go all-in against eachother and although the shortest stack wins, the loser is eliminated on the next hand.

With three players left, UTG raises to 2000 (stack 4000) and I feel that my QTs is more than good enough to call (my stack is 2400). I am fortunate enough to catch a 10 on the flop. I eliminate him on the next hand. After three games heads up, my first playable hand is 33, and my opponent calls my all-in with A5 (?). I catch a 3 on the turn, making the river Ace irrelevant and ending the game. That was the twenty-third time that I had gone all-in...

The game was of comparable length to the one I played last night, there I unfortunately went out in fourth after 92 games.

PS. In my second SNG tonight, I came in second. (Net profit tonight: $58. When I think how long it took me to earn the first $50...) Again, the other two last remaining players did not have a clue what they were doing, though the biggest stack might have played this way intentionally to keep the small stack alive, making life difficult for me.

... OK it is official now, he did not have a clue. Sharkscope:
Played 1,263
Av.Profit -$1
Av. Stake $17
ROI -7%
Profit -$1,479...

This is frightening! This is the first player that I have looked up that has thrown away so much money on poker. On the other hand, I started using Sharkscope yesterday. Still...

Sunday, June 3, 2007


OK that's it, I've had enough of the steps for the time being. In my last Step 2 game I went out in 9th place with two pair against a straight. I probably should not have been playing the hand at all, I had only QJ.

I'd seriously consider buying in to Step 3 directly, but at $30 it is a lot more expensive than what I usually play at, and it would probably be hard for me to play in the same way as I do when there is only $3 on the line. So for the moment I will try to continue building my bankroll with $6 SNGs, and maybe $11 SNGs. On that note, let's have a look at the $11 SNG I played a few days ago.

On hand 8, UTG+1, I get KK. Raise to 3xBB = 120. Two callers, then BB raises to 600! Good enough for me, I go all-in. The SB calls... and then the BB calls as well... but they have JJ and A8s. No ace on the table, so this puts me up to 6000!

More steals fail than succeed, bringing me down to 4800. Then I run into a set with AA: down to 1200...

Although I steal some pots after this, I never recover from this. On the last hand, call all-in with AQ, lose to 22. Out in 7th place.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

With a little help...

Enough of all this analysis, back to playing :-) I finally managed to qualify for step 2 again. I did not play that great at the start but managed to double up twice after dropping to 1000. Still, it was far from plain sailing until the friendly opponent to my immediate left decided to throw it all away on... well, look for yourself.

Blinds: t100/t200

Stack sizes:
UTG: t8310
Button: t1515
SB: t7775
Hero: t2400

Pre-flop: (4 players) Hero is BB with 5♥ 6♠

UTG raises to t1000, Button folds, SB raises all-in t7675, Hero folds, UTG calls t6775 (pot was t8875).

Flop: 4♠ 9♣ 2♥
Turn: 8♠
River: 9♦

Final pot: t15750
UTG shows 7c 7h
SB shows Kc Ks

This of course made a huge difference for me, as I eliminated what was left of UTG on the next hand, and then had 2700 vs 1500 to my left. On the hand after this, I stole a pot from him after the huge stack folded, and then it was basically all decided.

Now to see whether I can reach the top 4 at least in some step 2 game for a change...

13 losses and a second place

I have not been playing particularly well since my big win. Let's review.
  1. $6 speed. Second hand: AK, keep calling on board KQx-Q-x. Especially after the 400 bet on the river I should have accepted I was beaten. Ten hands later, go all-in as SB after just one player called. BB wakes up with AT.
  2. $6 speed. With bottom two pair, I lose to middle top pair. I double up shortly afterwards but my all-in with A9 gets called by KQ who gets a K on the river.
  3. Step 2. Early on, call all-in for 650 on TPSK. Later, AK and then a flush draw bring me no joy. All-in with AJ (level 100/200, stack 1800, MP) gets called by KJ -> 3100. Raise to 4BB = 800 with TT gets all-in by KQ as a reply. I call -> 5400. A few bets and raises later I even have 6300, 5 players left. Shortest stack is down to 1000 at one point when he goes all-in with 33, gets called by 44 and doubles up after a 3 on the river. Two more steals bring me up to 7500! A few hands later, there is a short stack of 150 (Laila) who pairs on the river to beat me. Up to 900, he goes all-in again and for some strange reason (being annoyed, probably...) I decide to call and he has AA. Still 5900 left. With 2000, Laila goes all-in with 33, gets called by KJ (...) and doubles up once more after a 3 on the river. Ah, and this is when I got my straight flush draw that I blogged about earlier. The "bubble" (with 5 players, top 4 get at least a step 2 ticket) lasted 40 games. Back to step 1.
  4. Step 1. TT all-in for 1800 (level 50/100), get called by the powerhouse 55, 5 on the flop. Out.
  5. Step 1. Actually make it to 2nd place, reaching Step 2 again.
  6. Step 2. JJ UTG, raise to 4BB = 160. Three callers (just great) and an ace on the flop (terrific). Hoping against hope, I bet out again (120 into pot 660) and to my amazement, nobody seems to have an ace: 2340. AK brings me no joy. Later, down to 1770, 78s as BB. Two callers and I call. Flop Kxx, two small spades. After a check, I try to steal with a bet of 400 (too large, leaves me no real exit strategy) and get called. Turn is 7s and we both check, river is fourth spade and I have to fold to a bet. Down to 1100, try to steal on the button which fails to TT in the SB. Try again step 1.
  7. Step 1. With 3 players left, lose it all when the turn gives me two pair and my opponent a straight (board KJ95, his hand QT...) Try again step 1.
More later. So far, clear mistakes in games 1 and 6, and rotten luck in games 2, 4, and 7, and also in game 3 where I could have earned at least another Step 2 ticket much earlier with some nicer river cards. So my results are not ALL down to my lousy play.

Friday, June 1, 2007

How to have hours of fun for only $3

I put a table to the left where you can see how the steps games are going. In short: not particularly inspiring. It is hard for me to believe that I ever got out of Step 1 now, let alone reach Step 6...

Sometimes I get these games that just do not want to come to a finish. My last three Step 1 games lasted 111 (finished 2nd), 86 (3rd) and 85 (4th) games. Everytime a short stack goes all-in he either does not get called or wins the showdown, extremely annoying. In my last game for example, I was about to eliminate the short stack with A9 vs Q3 when he managed to hit a straight on the river...

I think I am basically playing in the same way, the cards just aren't cooperating today. I hope I will have better luck tomorrow.