Sunday, August 26, 2007

Number 12

Yes, ANOTHER second place. (I still did not finish 3rd once in any of the 27 games!) It is always annoying when there is a complete idiot at the table who just keeps getting lucky. He won two all-ins with A9... Eventually we got it heads-up, and it was long clear to me that this would be another second place for me. The final hand, I went all-in only to have him flip up QQ and leave me with two outs.

This is just one of those things that you have to learn to accept. It would be nice if the idiots always got what was coming to them, but on the other hand, if they always lost, they would not keep coming back for more...

This will be my last post for a while, I will be traveling again. Thanks for dropping by!

1 comment:

The 80th Minute said...

Hi Rob,

Great results, keep it up.
