Thursday, August 23, 2007

Some numbers

I had a look at my won hands percentage at the various levels at Pacific and Party (with many thanks to the indispensable PokerOffice!).

Won hands percentage
Site Pacific Party
Level 5.50 11.00 22.00Level6.0011.00
10/20 11 8 7 20/407 8
15/30 8 8 1130/608 9
25/50 13 16 1350/1001415
50/100 21 20 14100/2002414
75/150 25 22 17
100/200 33 29 22200/4003532
150/300 34 35 31300/6003740
200/400 39 40 37400/8004330
250/500 32 47 40
300/600 33 46 45600/12001256
400/800 22 31 48
500/1000 33 32 25
750/1500 12 18 -
1000/2000 7 18 -
For Party, I skipped two rows because the levels increase faster there. I wanted to have equivalent levels on the same row each time (the starting stack at Party is 2000, so roughly twice the starting stack at Pacific, at least at the level $11 and below).

I think it is quite interesting. At Pacific, starting from level 3, the numbers in the central column are always higher than in the other columns, except for level 400/800 and higher. However, at level 400/800 I have played only 33 hands so far with buyin $22, so that does not say much. (Similarly, I only played 21 hands at the 500/1000 level with buyin $5.50.)

Of course I played the $5.50 games quite a while ago, I stopped playing them entirely in May. Still, the uniform decrease over all the levels from $11 to $22 does suggest that the opposition at the $22 level is noticeably stronger. I suppose it is surprising that I have done as well as I have (ROI is still 31% now). That reminds me, I reached a milestone in that Sharkscope finally draws a graph of my ROI also for the $22 buyin level. Here is the graph:

At Party, it is noticeable that at the $11 level, on the one hand I underperform in the middle stages when compared to the $6 level, but I actually have more success at Party overall here than at Pacific! There are strange dips at the 400/800 level at $11, and even more so at the 600/1200 level at $6, but these results are based on relatively few hands (33 and 24, respectively). Now that I actually look at the numbers, I notice for the first time that my $6 results at Party are actually better than at Pacific! This is quite surprising, since the rake at Party is twice as high, so you need to perform better at Party to even reach the same ROI as at Pacific.

Well, that's enough statistics for today :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.