Tuesday, May 8, 2007


I had some incredible comebacks tonight. At PKR, I was down to 140 chips (you start with 1500), I could not even pay the small blind anymore on the very next hand (level 200/400) and eventually I came in second--I was up to 7000 chips at one point during the heads up phase. Of course I was very lucky, for instance when I went allin for BB + 50 or so and the BB refused to call this bet...

Then at Pacific, I got AA on hand 5 in early position. I raised (only) 3xBB (in a previous game I had raised 4x after which everybody folded, but I suppose that is the better move nevertheless). Got three callers, flop KQx. EP bets 20, I bet 200 (pot 260). This only gets rid of the SB, unfortunately. Turn is a harmless looking 8 and I go all-in. The player behind me had K8... This left me with 290. I won the tournament 82 games later.

I also came in 2nd at Party with my last $6 there! So now I have $15 there again, will see if I can make any more out of it. The level seems higher than at Pacific, though I have had great success playing micro-limit cash games at Party.

So overall I made $40 tonight (excluding rakes). This is second only to my $100 win that I blogged about recently, but it does not feel like I did anything special. I am really starting to wonder about moving to $10 SNGs, at least at Pacific. I guess I will try and work my way up to $300 net profit first--I am already at $250 now!

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