Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Not just plain sailing

My recent SNGs...
  1. Tried two steals in a row, second one gets allin as a reaction, fold. This is something that I have tried before, it hardly ever works: the second "steal" really needs to be with very good cards! Five players left, level 75/150, stack 1600. Minraise in second position with AQ. Button calls, BB minreraises to 450. Pot is now 1125, I have 1150 left after calling, and my M will be 5. It's a clear call at least, but perhaps I should have gone allin here. Anyway, the flop is AT6 and BB goes allin. I need to call 1150 into a pot of 2550. Of course I call, he has AK. I think my play was reasonable here.
  2. With AJ, flop A82, bet half the pot and get called. Worried, I check the turn 8, he checks as well and completes his flush on the river. This was not the last hand of this particular tournament, but an important one. (PS: Actually, it was quite irrelevant, since I did manage to double up soon after this... it just really annoyed me, so it put me in a bad state of mind.) Of course this was a direct result of #1 happening just before this game. I guess I did not realize at the time that my play was actually reasonable in game 1, and it would also have been reasonable to go allin here. At the very least I should have bet 200 more to keep him from getting a free card. ... I did manage to work my way back up to 1500 when my AQ allin beat JJ. A few hands after this I was afraid to try and steal from the big stack in the BB, even though he was playing tight, I had A4 OTB, and everyone folded to me. Finally, with 1300, level 75/150, I go allin UTG with 55 and get called by the BB who has 88. A bit questionable, perhaps.
  3. With KK, level 25/50, I reraise 100 to 300, get called. Flop AKJ, he bets 200, I raise to 400, he reraises to 800, I go allin. He has KQ, turn A, river T. Why did he even call my reraise preflop??
The positive thing to take away from these games is that on reflection, I seem to be playing reasonably here. Also, a few $5 losses (I had five in a row eventually, before making a third place) are not nearly as damaging to my bankroll as they used to be. I guess I became too results-oriented during these games, especially after just winning two SNGs in a row. You start to expect to win every game, which is an extremely dangerous attitude to have.

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