Monday, May 28, 2007

Step 4

... and now I won a Step 4 SNG. It was again surprisingly easy, I didn't have to do anything special and made the most of the good cards that I got. It also didn't hurt that I got AA twice early on :-) The first one was at blinds level 50/100, I reraised to 500 after an early minraise. I was SB and the BB went all-in! It looked like I would have to play a three-way pot, but fortunately the original raiser folded. The BB showed 77 - do you think he might not have believed my bet?

Anyway, I suppose Step 5 is going to be more complicated to get through... The good thing is that there are 8 places that pay, and reaching the last four is enough to stay in Step 5.

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