Monday, May 7, 2007

Party SNGs

I've played four of them now, cashed once (2nd place). In chronological order:
  1. Heads-up, stack 3200, level 200/400, all-in on K3. This would be level 8 in SAGE, but the table ends at 7. Still, extrapolating it gives that this would be the right decision, but it would probably have been even better to continue and play regular poker for (at least) one more game. I got called by A5 and lost. Out in 2nd place.
  2. This one is very embarrassing. I had QJ as BB. On a flop of low cards, I bet 3/4 of the pot and got two callers. But I did not notice that, I thought there was only one. Then when a queen hit on the turn, I again bid 3/4 of the pot, the first opponent folded but the second one called! An Ace on the river scared us both, but he had pocket 7s and had made trips on the flop. All in all, perhaps I did not play the game that badly (just considering my actions, not what I was thinking...). Anyway this little joke cost me half my stack, and two games later I tried to get it back by going all-in with 55. However, I did this after there had been a raise and two callers in front of me. The caller with A9 (???) called me and won. Out in 10th place!
  3. On a flop of 665, the original caller in first position did a minbet of 40 into a pot of 140. I decided to raise to 120 with AJo. He called but checked the turn 9. At this point I possibly could have stolen the hand but decided to take the free card, which was another 9. Now he bet 120, but at this point I was pretty sure that my Ace kicker would win me the hand, so I called (why not do another small raise then?). Indeed he had a 5. At the end of this game, stack 2000, level 100/200, the button raised to 600, I was BB with 66 and went all-in. He called for his last 1300 with A9s. This was a bad decision because I could basically be sure when I called that I was at best a slight favorite (against two high cards), I could have waited a bit longer. Out in 5th.
  4. Here I actually played reasonable. With 55 in late position, I raised to 3xBB after all previous players folded, and I got one caller (BB). He checked the flop A96 so I did a continuation bet of half the pot, which he called after some thought. Then I just checked it down, and it turns out he had TT. This put me down to 1270 (level 50/100). I managed to survive for another 32 games after this, when I amazingly again had exactly 1270, and then I pushed my A3 into AA (BB). Out in 6th.
So on balance, I played badly in games 2 and 3 (at least on the decisive hands), and OK in games 1 and 4. I guess I will spend my final Party money tonight and see what I can do with it.

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