Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Times Six Nine! (After dividing by four)

Just another short post to brag about my progress at Party :-) In my last post, I described how I used my last $6 to reach a 2nd place in an SNG. Tonight I came in 1st, 4th and 2nd, bringing me back to $37!

To reach the 1st place I had to get quite lucky early on, I got it all-in with KT on a flop of Kxx against what turned out to be AK. Ten on the river... Not sure why I did this, usually I am not that stupid (I like to think). It could have something to do with the fact that I was playing 2 SNGs at the same time, I think this leads me to take the individual games less seriously ("If I lose this, I still have the other game running...")

The 2nd place on the other hand was marked by very bad luck at the end: all-in on top pair, my opponent called with bottom pair and made a set on the turn...

PS: I changed the title in order not to mislead my many readers ;-) As I detailed in an earlier post, I did lose some SNGs at Party before finally making my comeback.

PPS May 14th: just won another SNG :-) Got a wee bit lucky on the final hand: with the stacks nearly tied, I went all-in on KTo (brilliant move, I know). He calls with AK... and I get a ten on the flop. (I only noticed just now that this is extremely similar to what I described ten lines above :-) Seems I like KT too much. On the other hand, it pays...)

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