Thursday, May 31, 2007


How often do you have something like that: an open-ended straight flush draw. I had Th9h and the flop came QhJh7d. I bet out and my opponent minraised. I called and kept calling on future streets, my opponent kept giving me the right odds. I lost a lot of chips on that hand...

Then, just three hands later, I am dealt 99. There were five players left. My stack was now down to 3475 and the blinds were already 200/400, I should have just gone all-in. But no, I raised to 3BB and the BB called and hit his pair on the flop. He then checked and I just had to bet, that was the end of this game for me.

So my idea of starting the next sequence of Steps tournaments in Step 2 has now lead to me earning a ticket to Step 1 the hard way. Well, we will see how that goes.

It sure took some getting used to playing a Step 2 game again, I was simply surrounded by idiots, at least at the start. Fortunately I managed to eliminate some of them, but then disaster struck as described above. I sure feel more at home on the higher levels, but if I can't even win here, I am certainly not going to buy in directly to Step 3 or above!

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