Thursday, March 27, 2008

The end

So that's it, I'm quitting. My final bankroll at Full Tilt was $770, after taking out $750 earlier (and depositing only $50 in January!). I did not check yet how much I won in total by playing poker, but it most be something like $3300. Too bad the dollar is so low at the moment! Still, I'd better cash out before it drops even further...

Probably I will only post in the future when I play live somewhere, if anything interesting happens.

Thank you for your attention. Any questions?


The 80th Minute said...

You will be missed!

Anonymous said...

Sad to see you go, I had a blast reading your blog. You'll have fun at the real cash tables in your area I think. Lots of idiots play there.

Rob1606 said...

Dremeber, thanks. Joshua, interesting that you should say so, especially as I have never published my location...