Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Yesterday Pacific became the third site where I have earned more than $900; my total profit is now $2782, so you can see that the profits are very equally distributed among these three sites (the other two are Full Tilt and Party).

I've stated before that I don't really have any further goals now. However, there is one thing that I like to reach, and that is to have played 20 turbo $22 SNG's at Full Tilt. The reason? Starting from 20 games, the graph at Sharkscope indicates your ROI :-) Currently my return on investment is 90%, earlier it was even above 100%!

After that, I guess I will play a few $33 turbo games to see what that's like. So far, I have not noticed much difference in level. This is different from Pacific, where the level of the opposition is clearly better at the $20 level. This is probably partially due to the fact that Full Tilt simply have much more players; even the $22 games usually fill up within one minute, where at Pacific I usually have to wait 5 or 10 minutes. Nevertheless, we are approaching real money territory here, so I expect most of the $33 players to know what they are doing. We will see...

Three weeks until moving day!

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