Saturday, March 15, 2008

More of the same

I managed to win two simultaneous turbo games again :-) This brought my return on investment for the $22 games back up to 57%, very nice. Since such a game usually lasts about 35 minutes (less if I lose early!), this means that on average I earn about $12 in 35 minutes, or about $20 per hour. However, since I usually play two games in parallel, this comes to $40 per hour. That is not a bad hourly wage, especially since there are no taxes on it...

Nice to know that I have something to fall back on if things do not work out career-wise :-)

On the negative side, I tried two $33 games this morning and finished out of the money in both. One of them involved losing with QQ against 77 (all-in preflop), so I do not feel too bad about this.

I also managed to cash in a $50 MTT - I went out in 27th place, and 27 places got paid, so I earned exactly $7.70 for those three hours of work :-) Still, this marks the highest ever buyin of a tournament where I managed to cash. I still need to see if I could manage to play a $100 game, but they seem to be quite rare.

PS Another nice statistic: according to PokerOffice, I am now making a profit in every position apart from the big blind. Usually of course, the blinds are losing positions. By far the largest profit comes from the button (which is no surprise), but the second largest profit actually comes from under the gun! I was quite amazed to see that.

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