Friday, March 7, 2008

Yes, it kind of IS

In my last post, I asked rhetorically whether this was the beginning of another downturn for me. After losing the next 4 games, it sure seems like it (see title of this post). Fortunately I finally managed to catch a 2nd place in the 9th game to stop this sequence and avoid the "super tilt" label. I am now down to $176. But like I said, I am not going to worry about losing this money. If it happens, it happens; I will just try to have some fun in the meantime. It is not like it is MY money that I am playing with :-) All of this money was given to me by my friendly opponents... I took out my initial deposit a long time ago!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"It is not like it is my money I'm playing with" :-D

This is a nice remark about how to keep things in perspective when lady Luck is not on your side.
She will change sides eventually,

cheers, Nard