Sunday, December 23, 2007

End of a sequence

See my previous post (below), I did not manage to make it 9... However, I did win game #10 and cleared €10 of my bonus at Celeb at the same time, earning €15 in that game alone :-) It was again a very tough game though, my opponent was very aggressive. It is very hard to stand up to aggression with air. I tried it a few times but invariably he would turn out to have hit the flop or to beat my top pair queens with an 8 kicker vs. my 7 kicker...
However, he was quite loose in calling all-ins. First he called with QJo when I had K3, and then he pushed after my raise with A7 when I had AJ. Both these hands occurred when I was behind, and after the last game I again started to lose ground until in exasperation I raised with Q8 and called his push (his third or fourth push in succession) - THIS time he had AT, but an 8 on the flop sealed his fate.

It should be a lesson to me how much aggression helps in winning these games, but I never seem to be able to pull it off. Maybe I should just try it and also start raising preflop in every other game... Also this last opponent was especially good at exploiting position.


The 80th Minute said...

Merry Xmas

Anonymous said...

what is your post about you should work on that post! go on my blog